Clean Hydrogen Communities

Developing Minnesota’s clean hydrogen economy with underserved, tribal, and energy transition community engagement


In response to the $7 billion being invested by the federal government to develop regional clean hydrogen hubs, the State of Minnesota seeks community input to help shape the development of a clean hydrogen economy. Low-income and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) communities have historically been excluded from energy planning discussions, creating disparities between those who are able to benefit from clean energy technologies and those who cannot. With the opportunity to shape a clean hydrogen future, it is vital that environmental justice communities are included and prioritized to ensure our clean energy transition is equitable for all Minnesotans.

The Great Plains Institute, in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Commerce, is looking to engage institutionally underserved communities, community-based organizations (CBOs), and tribal groups across the state in dialogue around the development of a clean hydrogen economy in Minnesota.

Early engagement with these communities creates a framework of values and concerns that helps inform a more equitable approach to a clean hydrogen economy rollout. GPI plans to engage communities by hosting a series of virtual roundtable discussions that will serve two purposes. One is to level set on the basics of hydrogen to help communities become well-informed about the various aspects relating to a hydrogen economy (please see the Resources section below for Hydrogen 101 information). The second is to create space among participants to discuss community priorities and perceived challenges. Values and concerns that arise from these discussions will play a crucial role in informing how the State of Minnesota could support a hydrogen economy.

If you are interested in participating in an upcoming discussion or have a question, please reach out to GPI’s Renewable Energy team:


Send us an email!

Learn about potential hydrogen risks and opportunities and play a role in shaping the future of a clean hydrogen economy in Minnesota

We are looking for engagement from underserved communities as both general stakeholder participants and advisory committee* members to engage in discussion groups and share hopes, concerns, values, and questions regarding the development of a clean hydrogen economy in Minnesota. Participants will have the following opportunities:
• Learn about the potential for clean hydrogen and ammonia development and their end uses in the state
• Participate in workshops and roundtables
• Understand the unique needs of community groups
• Identify workforce development and job opportunities
• Advocate for community interests
*Compensation will be provided to all roundtable discussion participants, with additional compensation to advisory committee members.

Check out our hydrogen resources!

GPI held two Hydrogen 101 webinars for local governments, communities, and others interested in the development of an equitable hydrogen economy. Presentation material includes hydrogen production methods and the carbon intensity of production methods, hydrogen end uses, workforce development, and environmental and equity considerations. In addition, GPI provided an overview of two proposed Midwest Hydrogen Hubs. 

Download the presentation from the March 21 Workshop →

Download the presentation from the March 28 Workshop →

Interested in learning more about hydrogen? Would you like to ensure the values and needs of your community are reflected in the development of a clean hydrogen economy here in Minnesota?