Donate to GPI

At GPI, we find local solutions across the country. We’re focused on helping communities, states, and the country achieve a net-zero carbon emissions goal.

Want to make a gift of securities to GPI? Please see our securities gift instructions here.

We can’t do it without you. Your support helps us find common ground in what can be a very challenging topic and bring together individuals and organizations with sometimes-opposing views. There’s room for everyone at the table to find a path forward for all neighborhoods to benefit from renewable energy, net-zero carbon emissions, and policies that support communities that have been historically disadvantaged and even harmed by energy policy.

Your gift to GPI today supports local communities across the country as they find solutions that work for them. Solving the climate challenge needs everyone. It needs you. And we are grateful for your support.

Recognition by national Nonprofit Evaluators

GPI earned the Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid (formerly Guidestar), the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. The seal recognizes transparency and financial accountability.


GPI earned a four-star rating from Charity Navigator, the leading nonprofit evaluator in the US. The recognition demonstrates our strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. A four-star rating places GPI in the top 15 percent of nonprofits in the country.

Charity Navigator Certificate


Contact us at [email protected]