Our goal is to accelerate commercial deployment of industrial innovation and carbon management solutions to take full economic advantage of our nation’s energy resources, protect and create high-wage jobs, and ensure we meet midcentury goals for reducing US and global carbon emissions.
Carbon management technologies (carbon capture, reuse, transport, storage, and direct air capture) can reduce emissions in key industries. Carbon capture is currently the only technology available to manage emissions from a number of industrial processes essential to modern economies. The technology can also be paired with bioenergy projects to produce energy with net-zero or negative carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. We engage a broad set of interests at federal and state levels to advance financial incentives and other policies that will drive carbon management and related infrastructure projects forward.
We engage a wide range of stakeholders across the United States, ranging from local communities, states, regions, and federal work, through our initiatives: the Carbon Capture Coalition, the Industrial Innovation Initiative (co-run with the World Resources Institute), and the Carbon Action Alliance.
This work is national in scope, including focused work at the federal level and complementary initiatives among more than a dozen states across the US.
Our three-year goals
Over the next three years, our goals are to:
- Engage stakeholders at federal, regional, and state levels to advance project deployment and community benefits through education, advocacy, and collaboration.
- Build industry, labor, and NGO consensus to create midcentury industrial innovation and carbon management blueprints while integrating environmental justice perspectives.
- Develop and implement comprehensive domestic policies and incentives to drive the commercial deployment of industrial innovation and carbon management technologies.
- Ensure equitable benefits from project development for workers and communities through fact-based policy design and engagement.
- Achieve economies of scale in deploying industrial innovation, carbon management technologies, and supporting infrastructure.

Our Industrial Innovation & Carbon Management Experts
Have questions? Get in touch with one of our industrial innovation and carbon management experts.
Contact Us
Patrice Lahlum
Vice President, Industrial Innovation & Carbon Management
Jill Syvrud
Senior Program Manager, Carbon Management
Franz Litz
Program Consultant
Alejandro Calderon
Labor Engagement Manager, Carbon Management
Ryan Kammer
Research Manager, Carbon Management
Christian Flinn
Public Policy Manager, Carbon Management
Emma Thomley
State and Regional Policy Specialist, Carbon Management
Leo Duke
Communications & Member Relations Specialist, Carbon Capture Coalition
Kelley Reierson
State & Regional Coordinator, Carbon Management
Vilas Annavarapu
Environmental Justice Fellow
Jessie Stolark
Executive Director, Carbon Capture Coalition
Madelyn Morrison
Government Affairs Director, Carbon Capture Coalition
David Soll
Industrial Decarbonization Manager
Bridget Callaghan
Carbon Action Alliance Manager
Kate Sullivan
Senior Program Coordinator, Carbon Management
Nate Morris
State and Regional Outreach & Education Manager, Carbon Management
Carrie Danner
Senior Program Coordinator, Carbon Management
Diana Leane
Public Relations Strategist, Carbon Management
Sangeet Nepal
Technology Specialist, Carbon Capture Coalition
Alana Hadland
Program Associate, Carbon Management
Reports & Related Materials
Louisiana Decision Support Tool
An Atlas of Direct Air Capture: Opportunities for Negative Emissions in the United States
Carbon and Hydrogen Hubs Atlas
Carbon Capture Coalition 2023 Federal Policy Blueprint
Carbon Capture and Storage Opportunities in the Mid-Atlantic
Carbon Capture’s Role in Removing Pollutants and Reducing Health Impacts
I3 2024 Federal Policy Blueprint
Industrial Innovation Initiative State Best Practices Guide
Our Outreach
A national leader in industrial innovation and carbon capture deployment
Carbon Action Alliance
GPI’s Carbon Action Alliance is a growing network of governmental, industry, labor, environmental, and community partners working together to inform the public about industrial innovation and carbon management opportunities, address decarbonization challenges, support project deployment, and benefit communities. Getting involved in the Carbon Action Alliance allows you to connect with others in our network to work together toward shared goals of addressing climate change and retaining and creating high-wage jobs in your community.
Visit the Carbon Action Alliance’s blog for more information on carbon management and industrial decarbonization technologies.
Carbon Capture Coalition
The Carbon Capture Coalition is a nonpartisan collaboration of more than 100 companies, unions, and conservation and environmental policy organizations convened by GPI, building federal policy support to enable economywide, commercial-scale deployment of carbon management technologies. This includes carbon capture, removal, transport, reuse, and storage from industrial facilities, power plants, and ambient air. Members of the coalition work together to advocate for the full portfolio of policies required to commercialize a domestic carbon management sector and inform policy makers and stakeholders on the essential role this suite of technologies must play in achieving these shared objectives.
Visit the Carbon Capture Coalition website.
Industrial Innovation Initiative (I3)
The Industrial Innovation Initiative (I3) is an ambitious coalition that brings together key industrial and power companies, environmental organizations, and state officials from across the United States. The initiative focuses on decarbonization solutions for the most important industrial sectors and seeks to accelerate the adoption of those solutions through state, regional, and federal policy. I3 is co-convened by the Great Plains Institute and the World Resources Institute.
For all the latest news and updates, visit the Industrial Innovation Initiative’s blog.
State & Regional Outreach & Research
Our state and regional work aims to help states and regions be carbon capture ready. Carbon management has the potential to support and grow economies by protecting and creating high-wage jobs and utilizing energy resources while ensuring a sustainable environment for future generations. Each state has its own unique geography, economy, resources, facilities, and policy landscape. On our Carbon Capture Ready website, we publish analyses and reports on facilities with the most potential for carbon management, the state and federal policies in place or under consideration, and resources, data, and analysis to help inform policy and decision-making.
Read reports on the Carbon Capture Ready website