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Renewable Energy

Renewable energy generation capacity in the US must increase dramatically to achieve a carbon-free electricity sector by 2035. As renewable energy becomes the economic leader in clean energy generation, we must resolve new deployment issues and challenges to realize our decarbonization goals.

The Renewable Energy team strives to reduce carbon emissions, prevent environmental degradation, create economic opportunity, and equitably engage stakeholders to achieve community co-benefits. We use our skills in facilitation, policy, research, technical assistance, and deliberate collaboration to create the social and market conditions for accelerated renewable energy deployment that achieves national, state, and local decarbonization goals. We work with all levels of government, businesses, universities, and other nonprofit organizations to decarbonize the power sector and, by extension, the transportation and building sectors. Our goal is to remove barriers to accelerated renewable deployment by:

  • resolving local and state siting barriers embedded in existing regulation and policy;
  • making environmental and land use permitting transparent and predictable;
  • expanding integration of local renewable resources with building and transportation systems; and
  • decarbonizing industry and agriculture by exploring new renewable applications like carbon-free hydrogen.




Our work is national in scope, though most of our projects have a particular focus in the Midwest.

Our Goals

Over the next three years, our goals are to:

  • Facilitate new renewable energy partnerships with developers, communities, regulators, and non-energy stakeholders.
  • Create pathways for renewable development to meet the priorities of host communities through new economic opportunities, improved natural systems, and protected agricultural resources and communities.
  • Conduct new research and work with regulators and policy makers to implement findings on solar energy co-benefits, like improved surface and ground water, habitat, soil carbon sequestration, and cultural values.
  • Accelerate emerging renewable energy applications in hydrogen and hydrogen carriers, such as green ammonia.
  • Support distributed wind and solar energy deployment by working with local governments, utilities, and regulators to remove barriers and create new pathways for equitable local investment.
Our Renewable Energy Experts

Have questions? Get in touch with one of our renewable energy experts.

Contact Us

Brian Ross

Brian Ross
Vice President, Renewable Energy

Monika Vadali

Monika Vadali
Senior Program Manager, Renewable Energy

Sue Couling

Sue Couling
Meeting and Administrative Manager, Renewable Energy

Dreek Morgan

Dreek Morgan
Program Associate, Renewable Energy

Val Stori

Val Stori
Senior Policy Manager, Renewable Energy

Sydne Tursky

Sydne Tursky
Program Manager, Renewable Energy

Upasana Roy

Upasana Roy
Land Use and Energy Planner and Program Coordinator, Renewable Energy

Rebecca Heisel

Rebecca Heisel
Program Coordinator, Communities

Reports & Related Materials
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Best Practices: Photovoltaic Stormwater Management Research and Testing (PV-SMaRT)

Read Report


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Solar Model Ordinances

Read Report


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Report: Minnesota Solar Potential Analysis

Solar, wind, and storage can competitively power a majority of Minnesota’s electric needs.

Read Report


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America Solar Grazing Association (ASGA) Webinar 59:

Solar Development that Benefits Communities and Ecosystems, Brian Ross, GPI

Watch the Video


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SolSmart: Best Practices in Planning and Zoning

Watch the Video


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Where does the water go? Stormwater management in the solar energy future

Uploaded by Fresh Energy

Watch the Video

Our Outreach

Learn more about our work to increase renewable energy deployment

Hydrogen Economy Collaborative

Meeting local and federal climate goals will require unprecedented advancement of low-carbon energy solutions, including the use of hydrogen and fuel cells.

Visit the Hydrogen Economy Collaborative page →

Clean Hydrogen Communities

Developing Minnesota’s clean hydrogen economy with underserved, tribal, and energy transition community engagement

Visit the Clean Hydrogen Communities page →

Photovoltaics Supporting Cultural and Community EcoSystem Services (PV-SuCCESS)

PV-SuCCESS will help local governments and solar developers to understand and engage with community priorities so that new solar installations are well-received and equitable for all.

Visit the PV-SuCCESS page →

Drinking water supply management areas (DWSMAs)

Improving drinking water quality with solar energy on DWSMAs in Minnesota

Visit the DWSMA page →

Related Content Features

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