Securities Gift Instructions

Great Plains Institute (GPI) accepts gifts of marketable securities including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs. Please follow the below instructions to make a securities gift to GPI:

Receiving institution account number:


Nonprofit Name:

Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development

Federal Tax ID Number:


Nonprofit Mailing Address:

2801 21st Avenue S., Suite 220

Minneapolis, MN 55407

Receiving Financial Institution:

Hilltop Securities Holdings

1201 Elm Street, Site 3500

Dallas TX 75270

(214) 859-1800

DTC Clearing Number:


GPI’s Financial Securities Broker:

Robert D Shepard, AIF®

Ethical Investment/ESG specialist

Capital Management Associates, Inc. Member FINRA Capital Management Securities, Inc., Member SIPC 7900 Xerxes Avenue South, Suite 500

Bloomington MN 55431

Main: 952-893-1200

Direct/Voicemail: 952-746-1108

Fax: 952-893-0133

GPI Contact:

We are not alerted when assets are transferred into our account. Please contact a GPI representative when a transfer is completed.


GPI Accounting:

[email protected]