Despite increasing solar adoption across the United States, underserved small businesses—especially BIPOC- and immigrant-owned businesses—have historically lacked equitable access to the information, resources, and culturally-appropriate and accessible financing needed to install and receive the benefits of rooftop solar. The Great Plains Institute is a core partner in a newly announced project to help address these inequities in the Twin Cities. Continue reading »
Statement on Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework
September 19, 2022 in Communities, News & Press Author: Darren GoodeMINNEAPOLIS—The Great Plains Institute shared the following statement by President and CEO Rolf Nordstrom on the State of Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework, released on September 16, 2022:
“GPI is grateful for the leadership Minnesota is taking to make all our communities more resilient against the growing and immediate threat of climate change. We are proud to have had the opportunity to support the stakeholder engagement process that informed the development of the framework. We look forward to continuing to partner with Minnesota policy makers and tribal, business, nonprofit, and community leaders in pursuing its successful implementation in all corners of the state. This framework is as much about Minnesota’s economic and community health as it is about dramatically reducing emissions. Our long-term prosperity is at stake.” Continue reading »
PV-SMaRT Solar Site Demonstrates National Implications for Stormwater Management: Medford, OR
August 2, 2022 in Communities Author: Rebecca HeiselThe third case study is now available from a groundbreaking project to establish the first science-based stormwater and water quality standards for solar farms. The Great Plains Institute is helping lead the Photovoltaic Stormwater Management Research and Testing (PV-SMaRT) project along with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Fresh Energy, and the University of Minnesota. PV-SMaRT is funded by the US Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technology office. Continue reading »
Statement: GPI Applauds DOE’s SolSmart Program Expansion to Increase Clean Energy Access
June 1, 2022 in Communities, Renewable Energy Authors: Brian Ross, Jennifer ChristensenThe US Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced two awardees for managing an expansion of the SolSmart program over five years to “increase solar deployment and expand access to clean energy.” The $10 million dollar award is shared by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council and the International City/County Management Association. Continue reading »
Q&A: Abby Finis Reflects on Local Climate Action Planning Progress
May 26, 2022 in Communities Author: Jennifer ChristensenAbby Finis has been a recognized leader in local climate action and renewable energy development in the Midwest. In her recent years at GPI, she worked with cities like Saint Paul, Duluth, and Red Wing in Minnesota and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to develop local climate action plans. And she’s developed an innovative approach that focuses on near-term action through Climate Action Work Plans. Continue reading »
PV-SMaRT Demonstrates Stormwater Benefits of Solar: Plains, GA
April 27, 2022 in Communities Author: Rebecca HeiselThe second case study is now available from a groundbreaking project to establish the first science-based stormwater and water quality standards for solar farms. The Great Plains Institute is helping lead the Photovoltaic Stormwater Management Research and Testing (PV-SMaRT) project along with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Fresh Energy, and the University of Minnesota. PV-SMaRT is funded by the US Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technology office. Continue reading »
Q&A with Lola Schoenrich: EV Ready Communities Pilot Project in Michigan and Ohio
April 4, 2022 in Communities Authors: Jennifer Christensen, Lola SchoenrichGPI will lead a new pilot project supported by General Motors’ Climate Equity Fund to help communities in Michigan and Ohio with making progress on equitable vehicle electrification. Continue reading »
Groundbreaking PV-SMaRT Project Publishes First Case Study: Ramsey, MN
March 21, 2022 in Communities Author: Rebecca HeiselThe first case study is now available from a groundbreaking project to establish the first science-based stormwater and water quality standards for solar farms. The Great Plains Institute is helping lead the Photovoltaic Stormwater Management Research and Testing (PV-SMaRT) project along with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Fresh Energy, and the University of Minnesota. PV-SMaRT is funded by the US Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technology office. Continue reading »
Duluth, Minnesota, Publishes Its First Climate Action Work Plan
March 8, 2022 in Communities Author: Abby FinisIn February 2022, Duluth became the latest Minnesota city to implement a plan to address climate change. In response to the city’s climate emergency resolution, city staff worked with the Great Plains Institute and Common Spark Consulting to develop a Climate Action Work Plan. The City of Duluth Climate Action Work Plan 2022-2027 focuses on near-term mitigation and adaptation measures, building upon ongoing city and community efforts. Continue reading »
Q&A: Lessons Learned from Federal Funding of Local Energy and Climate Solutions
February 8, 2022 in Communities Authors: Abby Finis, Jennifer ChristensenThe bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will create major opportunities across the economy for investment in a wide range of energy, sustainability, and climate projects. I recently interviewed Abby Finis, senior program manager for GPI’s Communities Program, about lessons learned from how federal energy and climate funding was spent at the local level during the 2009 stimulus bill. Finis discusses what is different a decade later in terms of local government expertise and leadership on energy and climate solutions, and how that could be leveraged in the new infrastructure funding. Continue reading »