Legislative Outcome on Electric Vehicles in Minnesota—Going Forward by Not Going Backward

June 11, 2019 in Transportation & Fuels Author: Brendan Jordan

Two people talking about electric  vehicles in view of the Minnesota State Capitol

We communicated a great deal about electric vehicle (EV) bills in the Minnesota legislature this year given their potential to shape the trajectory of EV adoption in the state. Some of the proposals would have increased EV adoption and infrastructure while others would have put up barriers. Minnesota’s legislature officially adjourned on May 20 and then completed its work in a short special session a few days later. So, what happened on EVs?  Continue reading »

Why Electric Vehicle Taxes Are the Wrong Strategy for Minnesota

May 8, 2019 in Transportation & Fuels Author: Brendan Jordan

Minnesota Capitol

Minnesota lawmakers are considering additional new taxes and fees to electric vehicle (EV) owners. If passed as written, Minnesota would have the highest EV taxes in the US. Currently, the state assesses a special $75 annual tax that is only paid by owners of fully-electric vehicles. A bill by Senator Jeff Howe proposed to raise this tax to $250 per year and add a new tax of $125 for hybrid vehicles. Continue reading »

Minnesota’s Legislature at a Crossroads – Accelerate the Benefits of Electric Vehicles in the State or Hit the Brakes

April 16, 2019 in Transportation & Fuels Author: Brendan Jordan

A low angle photo of a rural road

Minnesota’s emerging electric vehicle (EV) industry is at an important pivot point. After years of effort by many people and organizations, the conditions are right for growth in EV adoption with the numerous economic and clean air benefits that come with it. This is an update on the status of EV proposals currently in play at the Minnesota Legislature. Continue reading »

Key Findings on Transportation Electrification from the Road Map to Decarbonization in the Midcontinent

April 2, 2019 in Transportation & Fuels Authors: Brendan Jordan, Franz Litz

A view of a rural highway from aboveElectric vehicles (EVs) are an essential part of the effort to decarbonize the transportation sector by midcentury. Recently, a diverse coalition of stakeholders released analysis, findings, and recommendations on how to accelerate EV adoption in “A Road Map to Decarbonization in the Midcontinent: Transportation Electrification.” This post highlights the findings from the road map, which were developed to help inform decision-making by state and local leaders, policy makers and private sector actors. Continue reading »

2019 EV Summit: Electrifying Transportation in the Midcontinent

December 19, 2018 in News & Press, Transportation & Fuels Authors: Brendan Jordan, Jill Syvrud

Chicago, over the lake

Electric vehicles (EVs) are an essential part of the effort to decarbonize the transportation sector—and the energy system as a whole—by midcentury. When combined with a decarbonized electricity sector, EVs can contribute to rapid decarbonization of transportation while bringing many other economic and public health benefits.

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New Series on Electric Vehicle Progress in the Central US – Part One: Utility Programs

November 7, 2018 in Transportation & Fuels Authors: Brendan Jordan, Charles Griffith, Nick Nigro

An Electric vehicle charger in front of transmission lines

When we talk about the parts of the US that have most enthusiastically embraced electric vehicles (EVs), most experts will point to California, and for good reason. Nearly half of all the EVs on the road today are in California and nearly four out of every 100 cars that are sold in the state are EVs. Given the broad benefits of EVs, including lower emissions, lower fuel and maintenance costs, and a great consumer experience, it begs the question: Are there efforts to promote and expand EV adoption throughout the rest of the country? [hint: yes, as we’ll describe]   Continue reading »

Q&A with GPI VP Brendan Jordan: The US and EU Experience with Developing Biomass Industries

June 11, 2018 in Transportation & Fuels Authors: Brendan Jordan, Will Dunder

A view of Copenhagen, Denmark

GPI‘s Brendan Jordan recently presented at the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition in Copenhagen. In a Q&A with GPI’s Will Dunder, Brendan shares some key highlights below from his presentation and some insights gained through experience at the conference which gathered biomass leaders and experts from around the world. 
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Unique collaborative shares guidance on how utilities can increase EV adoption and infrastructure

May 7, 2018 in Energy Systems, Transportation & Fuels Authors: Brendan Jordan, Jill Syvrud

An electric vehicle charging

Electric vehicles (EVs) are expected to become an ever-increasing part of the Midcontinent region’s transportation mix. As the demand and utilization of EVs increases, so does the EV-specific demand for electricity, raising many important questions for electric utilities and state and local policymakers. Continue reading »