Electric Vehicles are Coming, and Minnesota Needs to Get Ready

April 26, 2016 in Transportation & Fuels Author: Brendan Jordan

In a year of divided government and low expectations for achieving big policy wins in Minnesota, we have the opportunity to move forward with a piece of energy policy that is broadly supported. Drive Electric Minnesota is advocating for a policy (SF 2405/HF3513) that would enable the state’s largest regulated utilities to begin planning for the arrival of mass-market electric vehicles. Continue reading »

Why the Iron Range Can Be the Best Place in the World for the Bioeconomy

April 21, 2016 in Transportation & Fuels Author: Brendan Jordan

Last week, I had the pleasure to present at MPR’s “Minnesota’s Iron Range Ideas for the Future.” Fluctuations in economic cycles are not new and with each iteration of hard times comes an opportunity to innovate and move forward. I’m the lead facilitator of the Bioeconomy Coalition of Minnesota and I would like to share with you an opportunity for building a brand new industry in the Iron Range: sustainable biobased products from wood. Continue reading »

Why the Iron Range Can Be the Best Place in the World for the Bioeconomy

April 21, 2016 in Transportation & Fuels Author: Brendan Jordan

Last week, I had the pleasure to present at MPR’s “Minnesota’s Iron Range Ideas for the Future.” Fluctuations in economic cycles are not new and with each iteration of hard times comes an opportunity to innovate and move forward. I’m the lead facilitator of the Bioeconomy Coalition of Minnesota and I would like to share with you an opportunity for building a brand new industry in the Iron Range: sustainable biobased products from wood. Continue reading »

Mitigation is Not Enough

January 26, 2016 in Carbon Management Author: Brendan Jordan

Recently, I had the opportunity expand my education in the whole range of technologies that are currently being investigated by scientists around the world to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

The appropriately named “Oxford Greenhouse Gas Removal Conference,” hosted by Tim Kruger at the Oxford Martin School, was devoted to assessing the state of the science for carbon removal technologies and developing strategies for making progress in deploying them. Continue reading »

What’s the deal? Environmental and Bioindustry Agreement on Bioeconomy Bill

April 1, 2015 in Transportation & Fuels Authors: Amanda Bilek, Brendan Jordan

As has already been reported here and here, a major deal has been struck that brings the Bioeconomy Coalition of Minnesota and the Minnesota Environmental Partnership together in support of an amended version of the Bioeconomy bill in Minnesota. The agreement cleared a path in the Senate Energy and Environment Committee, where it had been stalled. The bill (HF 536/ SF 517) was amended on agreed-upon terms in House and Senate committees – the text of the Senate amendment is here. The text of the agreement is here. Continue reading »