Carbon Action Alliance Launches to Spur Carbon Reduction Efforts Nationwide

October 26, 2022 in Carbon Management, News & Press Author: Darren Goode

Carbon Action Alliance logo on a navy background

New network aims to translate federal and state carbon management and industrial decarbonization policies into local opportunity.

OCTOBER 26, 2022, NEW ORLEANS—The Great Plains Institute today launched the Carbon Action Alliance, a new initiative to align and grow a network of government, industry, labor, environmental, and community partners to work together toward a common goal of achieving economywide deployment of carbon management and industrial decarbonization technologies in the United States to achieve net-zero emissions by midcentury. Continue reading »

Statement on Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework

September 19, 2022 in Communities, News & Press Author: Darren Goode

Graphic of a stack of papers on a blue backgroundMINNEAPOLIS—The Great Plains Institute shared the following statement by President and CEO Rolf Nordstrom on the State of Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework, released on  September 16, 2022:

“GPI is grateful for the leadership Minnesota is taking to make all our communities more resilient against the growing and immediate threat of climate change. We are proud to have had the opportunity to support the stakeholder engagement process that informed the development of the framework. We look forward to continuing to partner with Minnesota policy makers and tribal, business, nonprofit, and community leaders in pursuing its successful implementation in all corners of the state. This framework is as much about Minnesota’s economic and community health as it is about dramatically reducing emissions. Our long-term prosperity is at stake.” Continue reading »