Why Fulfilling Our “Justice For All” Pledge Is Savvy Business and Key to a Net-Zero Carbon Economy

August 4, 2021 in News & Press Author: Rolf Nordstrom

Rolf Nordstrom

This blog was originally published by Forbes Business Council.

Most of us remember reciting the Pledge of Allegiance each school day, ending with “and liberty and justice for all.” But what does justice mean in practice? What does it have to do with climate change? And why should business and the growing throng of people, institutions and governments pushing for a net-zero carbon economy care? Continue reading »

Not Your Grandparents’ Infrastructure: What Businesses Should Be Thinking About

June 14, 2021 in News & Press Author: Rolf Nordstrom

rolf nordstrom

GPI President and CEO Rolf Nordstrom wrote “Not Your Grandparents’ Infrastructure: What Businesses Should Be Thinking About” for the Forbes Business Council website where it was originally published.

“Infrastructure” is like the tofu of buzzwords — it doesn’t express much by itself. Given the transformational infrastructure investments under consideration in the U.S., it’s worth thinking about what kinds of 21st-century infrastructure we need and what they would make possible for businesses and for society as a whole. I’ll wager it’s different than you think. Continue reading »

The Clean Energy Revolution Your Business Might Be Missing

January 4, 2021 in Energy Systems Author: Rolf Nordstrom

rolf nordstrom forbes

GPI President and CEO Rolf Nordstrom wrote “The Clean Energy Revolution Your Business Might Be Missing” for the Forbes Business Council website where it was originally published. Nordstrom recently became a council member.

If the quiet energy revolution taking place, particularly in the electric sector, has gone unnoticed by you, your company is likely missing out on critical economic and consumer benefits.

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