Words of Thanks and Inspiration for the Class of 2020

May 15, 2020 in News & Press Author: Rolf Nordstrom

rolf nordstromGPI President and CEO Rolf Nordstrom was asked to share a virtual commencement address for graduate students from the University of Minnesota’s famed Humphrey School for Public Affairs who focused their studies on science, technology, and environmental policy (STEP). Rolf shared some thoughts about the challenges before us, leadership, and pursuits beyond happiness. You can watch and read his remarks below. Continue reading »

GPI Statement on the COVID-19 Crisis

April 6, 2020 in News & Press Author: Gail Nosek

We send our deepest thanks and appreciation to all those on the front lines of addressing the devastating COVID-19 pandemic and our thoughts are with all those affected as this crisis impacts our families, friends, colleagues, and people around the globe. As those on the front lines of this crisis work with such strength, resolve, and self-sacrifice, those of us working on the climate challenge have the obligation to continue our work toward a better world on the other side of this tragedy. Continue reading »