Cities Making Progress on Electric Vehicle Readiness Across Minnesota

September 25, 2018 in Communities Author: Diana McKeown

A plug in hybrid Mitsubishi Outlander

Twenty-eight cities across Minnesota are looking to the future and getting ready for broad adoption of electric vehicles 

Cities Charging Ahead! is a peer cohort of 28 cities working together across Minnesota to explore electric vehicle readiness. Participants receive technical assistance focused on actions and best practices, based on the GreenStep Cities program, that cities can implement to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles such as:   Continue reading »

GreenStep Cities Workshop: May 2018

May 17, 2018 in Communities Author: Kristen Peterson

The May GreenStep Cities workshop focused on walkable cities and pedestrian planning. After Philipp Muessig (MPCA) introduced the topic and facilitated a round of introductions (00:00:20), Emily Smoak (MDH) discussed Pedestrian Plans, including sidewalk repair and snow clearing practices (00:17:43). Next, Max Musicant (Musicant Group) gave a presentation about Placemaking Successes (00:48:40), and Fay Simer (City of St. Paul) discussed her work as a full-time pedestrian coordinator (01:22:00). The workshop closed after some time for discussion and questions from the audience (01:50:28). Continue reading »

GreenStep Cities: February Workshop

February 5, 2018 in Communities Author: Abby Finis

The February 2018 GreenStep Cities workshop focused on water quality improvements, with discussions on how Minnesota can reach its goal of a 25-percent improvement in water quality by 2025, in part by reducing water contamination through improving the way salt is used to remove ice. Continue reading »

GreenStep Cities: December Workshop

December 5, 2017 in Communities Author: Abby Finis

The December GreenStep Cities workshop focused on benchmarking for wastewater treatment. After an introduction by GPI’s Abby Finis, the discussion covered the value of benchmarking wastewater treatment, Jon Vanyo, C.E.M., Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (23:50),and Benchmarking Wastewater Treatment Plants, Cheri Schneider (40:19). The workshop concluded with case studies on Energy Reduction Analysis at New Prague Wastewater Treatment Facility, Scott Werner, MNtap (1:11:08), and The Value of Using Benchmarking for Wastewater and City Operations, Tracy Holdel, City of St. Cloud. Continue reading »

GreenStep Cities: November Workshop

November 5, 2017 in Communities Author: Abby Finis

The November GreenStep Cities workshop focused on energy and climate data and action planning. After introductions by Great Plains Institute’s Abby Finis, Brian Ross, and Becky Alexander of LHB, covered Tools and Best Practices for Local Energy Planning (11:04).Then Alexis Troschinetz of Clean Energy Resource Team shared insights on community led bulk buys and opportunities in her presentation, Saving Watts and Drops Bulk Buys (1:14:15).  The workshop concluded with a discussion of solar financing, by Peter Lindstrom (1:36:00). Continue reading »

GreenStep Cities Evaluation Finds Excellent Value to Cities and Program Partners

February 8, 2017 in Carbon Management Author: Lola Schoenrich

Industry and Projects

GreenStep Cities, a voluntary challenge, assistance, and recognition program in Minnesota that helps cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals, periodically gathers feedback from the cities and tribal nations it works with. A recently completed GreenStep Cities evaluation found that the program delivers real value to both participating cities and to the public and private program partners. Continue reading »